Hello, I'm Annette, your Integration Coach.

I am committed to nurturing a diverse community that celebrates the profound transcendental wisdom of plant medicines.

The Art of Integration Circle provides a supportive platform for individuals interested in exploring, learning, and sharing their experiences. A thoughtful practice of integration fruits wellness and personal growth.

Become a member of the FREE Support Circle Today and join the bi-monthly online sessions that focus on a wide array of topics ranging from the therapeutic properties of various plant species, the latest scientific research, harm reduction, ethical sourcing, and personal integration experiences.

Above all, this circle champions safety and security for informed, and responsible use of plant medicine while honoring the diversity and confidentiality of our member experiences.

Whether you're a beginner in this journey or an experienced plant medicine enthusiast, I want to warmly invite you to join me as we collectively delve into the enriching world of plant medicine to foster health, healing, and transformation.


If you were to recommend Annette's Heartscape Coaching to your best friend, family member or co-worker what would you say?

"I love the Heartscape approach and how she shows people HOW to integrate once back in "real" life and to live and love from their heart space." - Jenn

"Annette is a great listener and I appreciate the assertiveness that comes with her advice. Annette also has a keen and natural way of guiding you through your own thoughts in order to reach those authentic truths and answers. - Vanessa

"I was sitting on a story of my plant medicine journeys and within an hour I discovered answers I had not even thought of with Annette's questions". - Bryan

"I would tell them that Annette coaches deeply, honestly, intuitively and with so much care, one will become a better person having known Annette. She is the best at what she does." - Gina

"I came to Annette to face the heartbreak that had become all-consuming in my life. She walked with me on the path of my own hero's journey as I discovered all the beauty of my own Heartscape." - Gracon

"Annette is amazing! She always asks the right questions and guides me to a deeper level of understanding and integration. I get a different perspective through our conversations and a higher level of self-awareness." - Yohanny